Sunday, June 12, 2011


G'day yall;

Earlier this week we posted about Mr. Gingerbelly's article on the Ausgrind website. Well, the guys at Ausgrind also decided to do a review on Enemy which came out late last week. Once again, we thank the guys down under for their support and we're really glad you guys liked the album. Interestingly enough, they mentioned something about the album which i was expecting somebody to mention: The Assuck cover.

I remember back when we had just started doing the scratch tracks and sitting in front of my computer when Mr. G and Eddy walk in telling me about how Cellgraft came out with Deception Schematic and that they did a cover of CC/CG. In fact, i think i was cutting up the guitar scratch tracks to that fuckin song when they mentioned it haha.

At that point it was just about impossible to start all over and pick a new song since Eddy didnt have a guitar amp at the time. the only time we could record guitars was when some random person Gordy was jamming with was too lazy to take their guitar amp home with them and decided to leave it in his room.

Funny story, all of the guitar tracks were recorded with some random guitar amp and Joe (good friend of ours)'s old Squier starter guitar since Eddy needed new gear (which he finally got... awesome).

So ya, needless to say starting over was impossible, and besides that CC/CG is a fucking amazing song and we all love Assuck, so we werent willing to compromise haha.

Besides that, i just want to give a nod to Cellgraft and Deception Schematic, which is an amazing fucking album. Everybody in the NxCx camp digs the album to no end and their cover of CC/CG is fantastic. Personally i feel that they really took that song and made it their own which is something i love to see. Besides that, being the 80s scifi fiends that we are, the album clearly struck a chord with us haha. Much e-props go to Cellgraft.

So yeah, check the review HERE. Huzzaah!


PS: Seth Putnam Died. [Insert something along the lines of 'Rest in Piss-Shit' etc. Here.] Guess we'll never be able to come out with that "I paid Seth Putnam 500 Dollars to Write this EP" EP. If you don't get it then you never saw that thing he put out with Limited Appeal about paying $100 to Seth and having him write a song for you. Oh well, dreams of what could have been......(lulzies)

Seriously though, rest in peace Seth Putnam

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