Sunday, February 28, 2010


Ok, so heres whats up. The tracks are finally finished (after three fucking revisions), and are ready for the upcoming splits, which are gonna be rolling out soon. Also, another spicy tidbit you guys might want to know is that were working with No Bueno Tapes (some kickass guys, go check them out at, and also Shred the 'Nado at ; especially if ur in the jersey area, get in contact with these fuckers) to get some cassettes going around under the title "Truth...", which will be featuring some of our newer recordings, and some unreleased quality noisegrind tracks that you definitely will wanna get your hands on. Once we finish making them, we'll probably give em out for something like 2 bucks, or for trade (trade unto us your tapes!), so check in and see whats up. -jer

also, Steve, you kick ass.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Recordings Are Complete...

Well at least 9 out of 11 tracks are. Drums and vocals have finally been recorded, and the tracks are sounding pretty sick. The final mix for all the recorded tracks should be done relatively soon, so watch out for that shit soon grind bastards.


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Recording New Material

It's been a while since we had any new material for grind freaks to check out since the S/T Demo. We're now working on some new shit for a couple of upcoming splits we have; Guitar tracks have been recorded, but we still have to record drum and bass tracks, once the two are done we're pretty much good to fuckin' go. If most didn't know, Nemesis has also gone back to a 3-piece how it should fuckin' be! We have a new vocalist and we're coming back much more aggressive than our older releases. Be on the look out for new NxCx material, and eventually be on the lookout for Nemesis playing shows again.

Grind The Fuck On!

-Eddy N